The Katrina Drag

Some pictures and commentary from the aftermath of hurricane Katrina. Most of these pictures were taken between September and November 2005, however, it has taken me until February 2006 to go through them all and pick a few to share.

Saturday, February 11, 2006

The second pup we found...

This Pit Bull male was holed-up in this second story apartment. He tried to hide when we came by, but Paul saw him before he ducked back inside. I don't think the original tenants had a skylight when they lived there as shown in the photo. We didn't even know if this was the pup's actual home.

Paul talked to him for a few minutes and got him to come out. Once Paul worked his magic, he was as friendly as could be. Again, no tags, no microchip.

Photos taken 10/2/2005


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